This easy paleo recipe for date sauce can be added to ketchups, sauces, and breakfast recipes for a little sweetness- sans refined sugar! ingredients 1 cup medjool dates. Ugh, dates. maybe you could give me some advice- i bought some fresh medjool dates, but now most of the recipes i want to try call for dry ones. would fresh work, or would it make the batter too wet? i have normal dried dates but they have sugar added, bleh. magic brownie bars by paleo omg […] anny. march 19, 2014 at 7:28 pm. reply. hi! i. Blackout healthy paleo chocolate cake. best gluten free chocolate cake- made with sweet potato and avocados! an easy paleo birthday or celebration cake that is moist and delicious..
Our website searches for recipes from food blogs, this time we are presenting the result of searching for the phrase paleo recipes with medjool dates. culinary website archive already contains 1 055 763 recipes and it is still growing.. If dates have softened well in the water and are chopped enough, this mixing can be done vigorously by hand. makes approximately 3/4 cup. this asian sauce is adapted from my recipe for paleo kung “power” chicken, this dish is quick and insanely delicious.. It's been a short few days in boise, idaho and i'm about to head back home this evening. but before i go, i'll be trying out two more restaurants, stopping in at a local gym, ….